'A Criss Cross Pattern...'

By Stephanie Blaze


A Criss Cross Pattern

I've had enough
I can't take anymore
This life depresses me
I want out

Alone in my room
Cross legged on my bed
A pill of razor blades
I'd be better of dead

Slowly at first
Patterns of blood
On my shoulder
The stinging feels
Strange and satisfying

Now below my elbow
I am closer to my target
The excitement builds
A criss cross pattern
All the way

Along my veins
The pattern goes
The strokes light
But still slicing skin
Closer to my death

My wrist now
The feeling of ecstasy grows
The strokes harder
And the lines deeper
One final cross to the bone

I collapse with realise
It will soon be over
I feel sleepy
Death is creeping up on me
My bed blood soaked

Wait I've changed my mind
Help Help me
I'm not ready to die
Not yet
My cries to late
It's over.....