Christmas And All That Bull...

By Luvadea Barrera-DeMortessa

Oh well, it is once again that time of year when we all get depressed for many reasons, normally because our friends, family or distant relatives have done the usual thing, and got us presents that we neither want nor need. I know that is a regular occurence in my house. This time it will be different, knowing that I'll be in my own flat, with my wife, doing things and getting things that we want to.

Now, lets forget all the religious bollocks that comes with this time of year (except for the kindness to friends and family), and just get on with the celebrating.

Think about how the previous ones have gone, and concentrate anew on the way you want it to go this time, better, louder and friendlier. Go to as many parties as you can handle, drink as much as you want to (unless your driving or riding...), take as much as you want. Make this time a f'king blinder... I know I will...